Yesterday me and my girlfriends made time for bonding.
At about 12nn, Sheiradee text messaged me and Loren.
Me and Shei meet-up at Marymart mall, proceeded to Loren's house and found her napping and looking like a cute little piggy. haha.. I couldn't narrate everything but something happened to us that made our night a little "adventurous". It was due to a sudden "bankruptcy"that we had to run for help and contact available people we know.
Venues we went to: Marymart-- Loren's Place-- Robinson's Mall-- Rob's(Fun time)-- Plazuela-- Sm City Mall-- Plazuela-- Moon cafe... and WVSU-- home. HAHA
The people we would like to thank massively who saved us from being stranded are:
-Shei's second cousin's grandmother
-and clap clap most especially SIR DAVE. lmao
P.S. I actually skipped class yesterday. WAAA